Create videos for your content in minutes

Transform your text into videos. Add to TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Expand your reach and grow your audience.

App screenshot

You don't need to spend hours creating a video

1h choosing background
30m editing and placing text
1h finding background music
20m doing voice-over
30m making transitions
10h of overthinking 🤯
👇 There is an easier way 👇

Create faster with Remakey

A better workflow

Remakey allows you to create faster and more efficiently.

Here's how it works:

Start with your content:
be it a paragraph, a tweet or an article (coming soon). You only need to input the text and choose a voice and background music.
We work our magic:
we split your content, select the best backgrounds, and create a narration for your video. All with the power of AI.
Make small adjustments:
our simplified video editor was made specifically for text-based videos. You don't need experience with video editing to make your video look great.
Export your video:
with your videos in hand, it's time to share it with the world. Post to TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube and watch your audience grow.
Generate video
Export and post
Total time: 10m


Enjoy early stage discounts

Remakey is an early stage product. First users get an exclusive 50% discount.

20 spots left.


$0 /month

Create your free account.

  • 3 video exports
  • 2 AI Credits
  • Remove Watermark


$29 $14 /month

Kickstart your content creation.

  • 30 video exports
  • 20 AI Credits
  • Remove Watermark


$59 $29 /month

Unlock full capabilities.

  • Unlimited video exports
  • 100 AI Credits
  • Remove Watermark

Frequently asked questions

Remakey is a text-based short video generator and editor. It allows you to create videos starting with a simple text content. With a specialized video editor, anyone can edit and export their video with ease.

When you create an account, you'll have some credits to try the platform. If you wish to continue using it, a paid plan is required.

It's a credit utilized to unlock advanced AI features, such as high-quality voiceovers. However, not all AI features require credits.

No, Remakey is designed to be user-friendly. Since we are optimized for a certain type of video, our editor is simple to use.

Improve your content workflow today.